Here’s What To Expect During A Home Inspection


Anybody who’s serious about buying a property should take time to hire a home inspector. A professional can make all the difference in the money that you might spend after buying the house. You might think that you’re saving money by buying a house, but a home inspector’s report might prove otherwise.

So you’ve booked the first Detroit MI Home inspection for the house that you’re thinking of buying. What’s next? Below are the things that you can expect during the inspection of the home. By working closely with the home inspector, you might even notice subtle differences along the way.

Getting Down and Dirty

A home inspector is going to be as thorough as they can be to include as much as they can on their report. This is how they earn the trust of clients, both current and future ones. Going with your inspector, you should expect them to go through the mechanical, electrical, and even fire protection systems of a house.

The major appliances that are going to come with the house will be inspected as well. Points of entry and exit, such as doors and windows are the most obvious ones to be inspected. It’s important to scrutinize these elements because one fault could drive down the value of a property if not repaired.

If applicable, the heating and air-conditioning system will be inspected to guarantee that they will work as intended after moving in. Perhaps the most important of all these is the plumbing of the house. Plumbing takes the most time to repair which is why it’s important to find out any issues very early on.

Objective Reporting

Tempting as it may be, you should try to not include any personal anecdotes while you’re going through the house. The home inspector understands that you want things to go smoothly, however, they will provide you with a purely subjective report.

By continuously telling the home inspector that you really, really want to purchase the house they’re inspecting, you might influence them to go easy on the inspection so you can get faster to purchasing your “dream” home. This is a major issue that’s evident with non-reputable home inspectors which is why it’s incredibly important that you only go for professionals when you need home inspections Detroit Michigan done.

Data-Driven Details

The details that you’re going to be given are going to be mostly data-driven. If there’s mold found in a particular room, you’ll be told which section, and a picture might be included. You most likely won’t be told how it happened if there’s no verifiable way to find out.

The home inspector is being paid to find out the underlying issues that may be plaguing a home and not root out these issues. Don’t expect them to provide you with any repairs as well. A home inspector that offers repairs and renovation should never be hired as this is a conflict of interest. While some home inspectors provide you with ideal fixes to certain issues, expect most details to be mostly about what may be broken.

Protect your family from financial woes with a proper Detroit MI Home inspection. Contact JW Home Inspections today to learn more!