The colours you choose to paint your walls can have a very profound effect on the perception of space in that room. You can create the optical illusion of more space or less space with a different hue or a different number of colours on the walls. The feeling generated by your painting job could have a large impact on the ambience of a room. All residential painters in Hawthorn will agree with this from their years of experience dealing with different colours in rooms of varying sizes and shapes. Before you hire house painters in Hawthorn and surrounds, make sure you have a good think about your colour scheme and what effect it will have on the room being painted. Below this article willprovide a few tips for adjusting the perception of a room using painting.
For Smaller Rooms
When decorating a smaller room, a home owner may want to know how to make the room appear bigger with the use of paint. Experienced house painters in Hawthorn will advise that cool, light tones will make the most of the space by lending their receding optical quality to the walls. As the walls appear to recede, it works to visually open up the room. The room looks bigger than it actually is as your cool, light colours work their magic. In small rooms, avoid using multiple colours. Choosing just one colour makes it harder for the eye to notice the room’s edges and therefore makes it seem larger than it otherwise would. Light, cool colours also make the most of any natural light that’s entering the room, which also adds to a more spacious feel.
For Low Ceilings
While people generally prefer high ceilings, residential painters in Hawthorn have a handy trick for minimising the effect of low ceilings. To create the illusion that there’s more space above, choose a light colour and paint that colour on both the walls and the ceiling. Similar to the situation with a small room, you want the room’s edges to blend in with each other so you don’t notice how confined it really is. A cool colour will help create the sense of more space in the room while also imbuing a more comfortable ambience.
For Oblong Rooms
If you’ve got an oblong room on your hands,that can be a challenge, and doubly so if its primary use is entertaining. Is there a way to use painting to remould the shape of the room? Yes, there is. Using darker shades or warm tones of paint on the furthest wall will make it appear to jump forwards. If the longer walls are painted in lighter colours, this effect will be even more magnified and will go some way to creating the illusion of a better proportioned room. Other ways of breaking up the space in an oblong room is to use bookcases, shelving or folding screens.
You can get further painting ideas for tricky spaces by speaking with residential painters in Hawthornand greater Melbourne.