The question used to be that if one was looking for a mattress richmond hill ga, which mattress store tucson az should they choose? That question automatically meant which brick-and-mortar store should they choose twenty years ago! Now, the real question is whether or not a person should shop at an actual store or just stay home and shop online. So, which is better? Here are the pros and the cons of buying from an online store as opposed to a physical one for a mattress:
Pro – You don’t even have to get dressed! That’s right, shopping online means that a person doesn’t even have to take a shower to shop. It’s something that can be done while sipping from a cup of coffee in the morning, or having an evening snack before going to bed. It’s simple and people don’t have to look their best!
Pro – There’s no need to commute to buy a mattress. Buying online also means that people don’t have to spend time getting into their car to get to the store, or worse, have to spend an hour or more on public transit to get to a physical store. Let’s face it, those stores are always placed in major shopping districts which are seldom a quick ride to get to in Toronto!
Pro – There’s no dealing with salesmen. The reality is that most salespeople working in stores include sales bonuses as part of their pay. That makes them not just motivated, but more than a little pushy with a side of annoying! Shopping online means not getting harassed by them.
Pro –The possibility of lower prices. Having a physical store requires a warehouse, showroom floor, and offices, all of which require money. What costs even more cash is the need to employ people to staff the showroom floor and those offices!
By eliminating a physical store in Toronto, an online store doesn’t need a showroom floor and it doesn’t need anywhere close to the same number of employees. All they really need is the warehouse. It’s those reductions in cost that allow online stores to pass those savings onto the customer.
Con – It’s almost impossible to actually try the mattress out. An online store can show customers what the mattress will look like, how much it will cost, how much it will weigh, etc., but you can’t sit or lay on the mattress to try it out!
Con – There are no experts to weigh in on a purchase or give advice. This is a con for some and not for others. Some like to hear other’s opinions and others don’t. If they do, then not having that advice can be a drawback.
Pro – Online help is usually available. For those who have any trouble choosing a mattress or have problems checking out, many websites do have online helpers to guide a person through the process.
There are a great deal of advantages to buying online, as seen here, which means that people might want to try out the online experience before getting into that car!