As humans, we have a general tendency to always crave for things that we cannot have. When during winters we would rather have the sun, however when the summers finally do arrive we just cannot take the heat and all the sweat and stickiness that ensues. This year the heat broke all records in the UK and with that came a supersonic rise in the sale of air conditioners, as more and more people realised just how much of a godsend having an air conditioning in London is, during summers. Now if you are of the same mindset and have been putting off the purchase just because you do not know how much it would set you back by — here’s how much it costs for air conditioning in London and if it is truly worth the cost!
The costs for air conditioning is generally dependent on the type of air conditioner — in London you can categorise the variants into three different types and their costs hence, — vary:
- Independent Air Conditioners: For houses or apartments where there is no possibility for a window air conditioner or a split one freestanding air conditioners are the only option. Since they use floor space and no outside contraptions, in terms of aesthetics and performance they don’t really pack a punch. They work best in smaller spaces and their USP truly lies in their portability and when it comes to Air conditioner repair in London. Portable air conditioners cost about £130 and above online and of course the high performing variants are more expensive.
- Window Air Conditioners: The underlying principle behind window air conditioning in London is to pull in the hot air from surrounding areas outside and to then cool it and push it inside. They might now be rare in newer buildings, however, they are still a common fixture across warmer European countries, since they are highly efficient in comparison. Apart from this when compared to commercial central air conditioners, their air conditioning maintenance in London is quite cost-effective. A basic window air conditioner will generally start around £500 and then go up. However, since every room generally requires their own Air conditioning in London, you might have to put in separate air conditioners in each room, which might drive the costs up!
- Central Air Conditioners: Mostly found in commercial buildings and offices, this type of air conditioning in London works on the principle of working from one singular central coalition and then spreading the cool air everywhere. Since central conditioning is ideally used for large spaces, it uses external heat pumps, ducts to usher the air. When it comes to this type of air conditioning in London less is more. If you end up installing a system that is too big, it will end up reducing the efficiency of the system as it will keep on alternating between switching on and off and will also end up making the space humid. Depending on the size and configuration the cost of a central air conditioner would vary considerably. Though if thinking of a ballpark figure, it should range from anywhere above £2000. Now if you consider the labour involving Air conditioning maintenance in London or even Air Conditioning Repair in London apart from the installation charges, the price would move up considerably. Also, if you have to fit a central air conditioning system in a pre-existing building, the cost would actually go up much higher since retrofitting is much more expensive than a build as you go installation.
Having said all this about the pricing of air conditioner, there is still a fact to be remembered that air conditioning in London is quite energy-consuming and you will also end up incurring an electricity bill due to the consumption of power. So though by no means is having an air conditioner a cheap way of keeping cool in summers — but then it is the price we pay for comfort, to be honest. Of course, you can try to use your air conditioning in London judiciously so as to not incur a hefty bill. So there you have it — aforementioned is how much would it cost you to get an air-conditioner in London.