If you are looking for the right timber for your various garden installations, then you may be a little overwhelmed by the range of options. This guide will look to explore one of these timber options more in depth, what it is, how it is used and whether or not it is a good option for your next project. Today’s discussion will focus on treated pine timber.
What is Treated Pine?
Treated pine as the name suggests is pine timber which has been heavily treated with a chemical solution, which soaks into the wood increasing its durability. The chemicals which are used on the wood also act as an insecticide and fungicide and also provides protection from other forms of deterioration and decay.
What Is This Timber Used For?
There are several uses for treated pine timber in the garden. Most commonly it is used for gazebos, pergolas and decking (the most popular use for treated pine).
Pros of Using Treated Pine For Decking
Pine is a soft wood which is why it must be treated for use in the garden and whilst the chemical treatment does harden the wood, making it more resistant to rot and decay, the treated pine is still surprisingly easy to work with. Also, even though there are chemical treatments used on the timber, treated pine is also one of the most environmentally friendly timber options as the wood usually comes from tree plantations that specifically grow pine, rather than natural forests. Treated pine is also widely available at a range of timber stores and it provides a low-cost option for many timber projects especially in decking where it is significantly cheaper than other decking materials, such as cedar and redwood.
Downsides of Using Treated Pine For Decking
Treated pine decking is a great option for decking, however as with all materials that are still some drawbacks when using this timber. Despite being treated, pine is still a softwood which can make it quite susceptible to scratches, dents and in extreme circumstances warping. Pine wood is also not particularly fireproof, so if you live in an area which is affected by bushfires, then this may not be the best choice for you. Another drawback in comparison to hardwoods is the lifespan of pine, this wood is grade 2 timber with an expected lifespan of 20 years, a grade 1 hardwood would offer 30-40 years. Finally, one more potential disadvantage is aesthetics. While many people like the look of treated pine there are still plenty of others who prefer the look of a hardwood deck instead. But this disadvantage is down to personal preference, rather than an objective issue.
How to Keep it Looking Great
Treated pine wood can be treated, painted and varnished to keep it protected from the elements and as long as you keep this up, the wood will stay looking good for a long time. The low-cost nature of treated pine makes broken planks easy to repair and replace. Beyond this there is not a great amount of maintenance which is required, simply ensure that the wood is treated at least once per year to protect it and ensure that it stays looking great.